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Form errors shown to customers

Customer-facing form errors: what they mean, why they happen, and how to avoid them

Brett Shelley avatar
Written by Brett Shelley
Updated over 3 months ago


Oops, there's an error!

There's nothing more dismaying than seeing an error pop up while you (or your customers) are trying to submit a form. Luckily for every error, there's a reasonable explanation and solution behind it, and this help article will explain how to find the root of the problem - and more importantly, a good fix or suggestion for how to avoid it altogether! ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

"Verify email"

Example of error:

What does this mean?

This means that the email address that was supplied when filling out the form is already on file in Shopify, but the customer record attached to that email address does not have an account. The app will display this message and trigger the app's customer account verification email template to be sent to the customer.

See the screenshot below to see an example of a customer record in Shopify that does not have an account:

Why does this happen?

This usually happens when an email address was previously collected via a newsletter sign-up, during guest checkout, or if a customer record was created directly in the Shopify admin. Many stores have newsletter signup forms that show in popup, or as an embedded form in the store's footer, so this error is somewhat common.

For example, if a user supplies their email addresses to signup for a newsletter before registering for an account, then they will get this "Verify email" error when they try to register for an account. This same error will occur if a user tries to register for an account using an email address that was previously used for guest checkout, or if they use an email address for a customer record that was created in Shopify without an account.

When this error occurs, the app will send the customer account verification email to the customer. This email contains a special link to confirm they have access to the email address in question. When the link is clicked, the customer is able to set and confirm the desired password for their account. If you're using a newer version of the app's forms (version 4.2.0 or above), then all of the custom data that was previously collected when the customer registered for an account will be automatically added once the customer confirms their email address.

How to avoid it

This is built-in logic in Shopify, so unfortunately this logic is not something that can be controlled by Customer Fields. The goal behind Shopify's logic is to ensure that the user registering for an account actually has access to the email address that is already on file, since the user would be able to access any previous orders that were placed using the email address.

You can cross-check the email address by searching for the customer's email in the Shopify admin to find the existing record; you will probably find a customer record with a "No account" label. In this particular case, you can avoid the issue by deleting the customer record from Shopify to allow the user to register without any hiccups, or simply ask the user to a new unique email address that is not already on file in Shopify when filling out the app's form.

As mentioned above, Shopify's system is designed to send the customer an email that allows them to activate their account when this "Verify email" error occurs, so you might not need to take any additional action since the customer can simply activate their account from the email they received.

Important note about email verification setting for forms

We've recently added a new setting to forms that allows you to require customers to verify their email address before their account can be activated (learn more). Please note that when the 'Require email verification' setting is enabled, every new customer will get the "Verify email" error after submitting the form.

"Email taken"

Example of error:

What does this mean?

This means that the email address that was supplied when filling out the form is already attached to an existing customer account in the Shopify store.

See the screenshot below to see an example of a customer record in Shopify that has an active account:

Why does this happen?

This error occurs because Shopify's system does not allow for duplicate email addresses for customer accounts. For security purposes, Shopify requires a unique email address for every customer record in a store.

How to avoid it

Since Shopify does not allow for duplicate emails, there are two options:

  • The user will need to use a new, unique email address to create their account.

  • The user will need to log in to their existing account first before submitting the form.

๐ŸŽ‰ Pro-tips:

  • You can test a form multiple times using an email alias! For each form submission, simply add a plus sign (+) to the end of the mailbox name before the at sign (@), and then type in a unique character. For example:,, etc. This will allow you to receive customer-facing emails like normal -- while keeping Shopify's system happy by using unique email addresses for each customer record ๐Ÿค“

  • If you are trying to store multiple email addresses using a single form, you can add custom input email fields to the form.

"Phone taken"

Example of error:

What does this mean?

This means that the phone number that was supplied when filling out the form is already attached to an existing customer record in the Shopify store. The customer record may or may not have an actual account on the store (e.g. customer records created via guest checkout).

See the screenshot below to see an example of a customer record in Shopify that has an active account with a phone number on file:

Why does this happen?

This error occurs because Shopify's system does not allow duplicate phone numbers to be used for customer records (just like email addresses). For security purposes, Shopify requires that every customer record uses a unique phone number as the main contact number.

How to avoid it

Since Shopify does not allow for duplicate phone numbers, there are two options:

  • The user will need to use a new, unique phone number to create their account.

  • The user will need to log in to their existing account first before submitting the form.

๐ŸŽ‰ Pro-tip: If you are trying to store multiple phone numbers on one account, you can add custom input phone number fields to the form.

"Is Invalid"

Example of error:

What does this mean?

This means that either the supplied phone number or email address is considered to be invalid by Shopify. The screenshot shown above shows what happens when a phone number is invalid, but a similar message would show if the email is invalid.

Why does this happen?

This error occurs if the user tries to supply invalid information when submitting the form. Shopify (and Customer Fields) has built-in validation that prevents the user from submitting data in an improper format. You can learn more about field validation using this help article.

  • For phone numbers, Shopify requires the phone to be in the E.164 format. You can find more details on this international standard here.

  • For email addresses, Shopify performs an MX lookup on the email domain. Although this is not an entirely foolproof method to validate whether or not the email address is valid, this does at least ensure that the email domain has a mail server configured.

How to avoid it

Since Shopify requires phone numbers and email addresses to be valid, the user must supply a valid email and/or phone number when submitting the form.

๐ŸŽ‰ Pro-tip: Custom input fields and address fields do not have the same validation as standard fields do. You can learn more about the different types of fields available in Customer Fields using this help article.

"Insufficient information"

Example of error:

What does this mean?

This means that the form did not include enough data for the app to create a customer record in Shopify.

Why does this happen?

This error will show is only applicable to forms that do not require account approval. If the form does not contain fields for first_name, last_name, email, or phone, and the person submitting the form is not already logged into a customer account on the storefront, then the app will attempt to create a new customer record in Shopify. Shopify's system requires data for at least one of the fields (name/email/phone), so without the required data, the form submission will be rejected.

How to avoid it

The best way to avoid this error is to ensure that your form has at least one of the required fields. Another way to avoid this error is to ensure that each customer has logged into their account before submitting the form.

"Account not available"

What does this mean?

This means that Shopify was not able to communicate properly with our Customer Fields app.

Why does this happen?

This is a very rare error, and it usually will only occur in certain circumstances when the Shopify platform (or the specific store you're using) is having problems.

How to avoid it

There really isn't much you can do to avoid this particular error, but you can check Shopify's status page to see if there are any known problems:

In most cases, this error is quite temporary, and it will be resolved within 15 seconds to 2 minutes. Simply wait a moment and then try to submit the form again.

"Unexpected server error"

What does this mean?

This means that Customer Fields and/or Shopify ran into an unexpected problem.

Why does this happen?

This is also a very rare error, and it usually will only occur if Shopify is having an outage or the Customer Fields app is having an outage.

How to avoid it

There really isn't much you can do to avoid this particular error, but you can check the status pages for Shopify and Customer Fields to see if there are any known problems:

"Challenger verification failed"

What does this mean?

This means that the customer who is submitting the form has not passed the hidden reCAPTCHA.

Why does this happen?

This error occurs when the app's spam protection feature is enabled. If the reCAPTCHA is not able to detect that the customer submitting the form is a real person, then they will get the spam protection error.

How to avoid it

Although it's strongly discouraged, you do have the option to disable the app's spam protection feature. Learn more about spam protection using this help article.

"Too many requests"

What does this mean?

This means that the store has exceeded a server's rate limits.

Why does this happen?

This is a very rare error, but it occurs in cases where a store receives a massive amount of form submissions in a short period of time. When this happens it can cause the app's servers (or Shopify's servers) to hit a rate limit, and this prevents forms from being submitted until the rate limit is reset.

How to avoid it

There really isn't a good way to avoid this issue since it is purely based on website traffic and form submissions. Stores on Shopify's Plus plan have increased rate limits, so if you notice your customers are experiencing this error often, it might be a good idea to consider upgrading your store's plan.

โ—Important notes

Please keep in mind that the form's error messages appear for a reason, and it is highly discouraged to try to disable or hide them from showing to customers.

Luckily, all of the error messages mentioned in this article are easily customizable:

  • If you would like to edit the wording for any of the form's error messages, you are welcome to use the app's language settings. You can find the language settings in the app's form builder by going to the 'Settings' tab and scrolling down to the 'Language' section.

  • If you would like to change the styling of the error messages, then you can use the app's built-in CSS editor. You can find the CSS editor in the app's form builder by going to the 'Settings' tab and scrolling down to the 'Advanced' section (found at the bottom of the page).

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