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Account options

Control how a form saves customer records in Shopify

Kyle Weiskopf avatar
Written by Kyle Weiskopf
Updated over a week ago

Three powerful options to choose from

When you create or edit a form in Customer Fields, you will see a section that allows you to configure the form's account options. There are three options to choose from:

How to change account options for new forms

When creating a new form, you'll find a section for 'Account options' underneath the form's name:

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How to change account options for existing forms

When editing an existing form, click on the 'Settings' tab in the form builder. On this page you'll find a section for 'Account options':

Automatically create/update customer accounts

If the 'Default' account option is enabled, then the app will attempt to automatically create (or update) customer records in Shopify each time the form is submitted. This is the default option for all forms created in Customer Fields. We suggest using this option for the following use cases:

  • Allowing new customers to register for an account and receive immediate access to their new account

  • Allowing existing customers to edit their account details after logging in (learn more here)

Process flow

When a new customer submits a form with the 'Default' option enabled, the app will create a customer record in Shopify, and the customer will be automatically logged in to their new account. Shopify will also send the customer the store's standard 'Customer account welcome' email (found in the Shopify admin under Settings > Notifications > Customer).

When an existing customer submits a form with the 'Default' option enabled, the app will update the existing customer record using the data collected by the form. Existing customers must be logged in to their accounts before submitting the form; otherwise, the app will attempt to create a new customer record.

❗ Important: Please note that if a customer attempts to register with an email that is already on file for an inactive record, the app will ask them to verify they have access to the email in question. This is not to be confused with the "email verification" setting. See this help article for more details.

Require email verification

If you enable the account option for 'Require email verification', then each new customer who submits the form will need to verify their email address to activate their account. The app will create a customer record in Shopify when a new customer submits the form, but these new customers will not be able to access their account until they verify their email address.

Process flow

When customers submit a form with 'Require email verification' enabled, the app will create a new customer record in Shopify, but the customer record will not have an active account. Instead, the app will trigger Shopify to automatically send the customer the store's standard 'Customer account invite' email (found in the Shopify admin under Settings > Notifications > Customer).

By default, the body of Shopify's invite email includes a link/button that allows the customer to confirm their email address and activate their account. When the customer clicks the link/button in the email, they'll be redirected to the store's native account activation page to set a password and activate their new account.

Require account approval

If you enable the account option for 'Require account approval', then each customer who submits the form will need to be manually approved before their account can be activated. This is a long-awaited feature that has recently been added to Customer Fields, and this option is great if you want to have more control over who can create an account on your store!

Process flow

When customers submit a form with 'Require account approval' enabled, Customer Fields will store a pending customer record in the app's database, but the customer's information will not be saved into Shopify until the pending customer record has been approved. The app will send the pending customer a confirmation email to let them know their request was received. The template for this confirmation email can be configured in the app admin under Settings > Email notifications > Email templates > Customer account request.

Once a pending customer has been approved, the app will create a customer record in Shopify, and it will send an account invite to the customer via email so they can set a password for their new account.

πŸ“Œ For a detailed overview of the account approval feature, check out this article: How does account approval work?

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