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Standard Shopify fields

Use standard Shopify fields to collect regular Shopify information from your customers

Brett Shelley avatar
Written by Brett Shelley
Updated over a week ago


You probably installed Customer Fields to make more use of Shopify's standard registration form, so you might be wondering why we still have Shopify's standard fields available for use. Even though the field names themselves seem self-explanatory, this article will explain what these fields are for, and where (and how) to use them. πŸ‘

To kick things off, it's important to understand what Shopify's standard registration form looks like. Most Shopify themes are only designed to collect the most basic customer information when creating an account (First and last name, email, and password).

See the screenshot below for an example:

Our app provides a couple of extra "standard" fields in addition to the basic fields used on most themes. See the screenshot below to see where to find the Standard fields tab in the app's form builder. Notice there is a blue button at the bottom that you can use to automatically add all the standard fields if you'd like.

You can also pick and choose which specific standard fields you want to add to a form when using the app's form builder. For example, some merchants like to only collect the customer's first name (instead of first name and last name), which makes the form a little easier to fill out.

Read more below to find detailed descriptions for each Standard Shopify field

First name

Data column: first_name

This field is used to collect your customer's first name.

Last name

Data column: last_name

This field is used to collect your customer's last name.

Email address

Data column: email

This standard field is used to register your customer with a unique, valid email address. For the customer to successfully submit the form, there must not already be a customer record in Shopify with the same email address (this is due to Shopify's logic for customer records).

The email field has a built-in validation rule that requires the email address to be valid, and you can add more validation rules if you'd like. This email address field can be changed/updated by the user after their account has been created, but it cannot be used to add another email address to their account. If you need your customers to be able to add an additional email address, then we suggest using a custom email field (see details here).

Email confirmation

Data column: n/a

This field, as its name implies, is simply designed to confirm that the email that was entered for the Email field is correct. If you choose to use this field on your form, the customer would need to type their email address exactly as it was entered in the Email field. This field comes with a default error message "Must match email" if the customer does not enter the same email, and is required by default.

Note: As this field does not have a data column, it does not technically save data.


Data column: password

This field of course allows the customer to set a password for their account. There is some built-in validation to ensure that the password is at least 6 characters long, but you are welcome to add additional validation if needed. Please note that you cannot set a Default value for the Password field.

Customers cannot edit their password using the Customer Fields app. By default, the forms created in our app are designed to automatically hide the password fields if the customer is already logged in to their account. The reason for this is to prevent customers from inadvertently changing their password without confirming that they have access to the email address on file.

Password confirmation

Data column: password_confirmation

Just like you might expect, this field requires the customer to confirm their password. There is some built-in validation that ensures that the value typed into this field matches the value from the 'Password' field.

Phone number

Data column: phone

Similar to the "Email address" field, this field allows your customer to register with a unique, valid phone number. For the customer to successfully submit the form, there must not already be a customer account created with the same phone number. This field has a built-in validation rule that requires the phone number to be valid, and you can add more validation rules if you'd like as well. Our app automatically sets this field's "Default country calling code" to your shop's location (e.g. United States (+1)), but you are able to change this setting if needed.

Please note that you cannot set a Default value for the Phone number field.

Email marketing consent

Data column: email_marketing_consent

This is a single checkbox field with a pre-made field label that says "Subscribe to our newsletter". If this field is checked, then the app will automatically mark the customer as "Email subscribed" to marketing in Shopify. If the field is not checked, the app will not mark the customer as "Email subscribed" in Shopify. This field can also be used to allow existing customers to change their email marketing preferences when they update their account.

This is especially useful if you're using another app for email marketing, since most all marketing apps for Shopify rely on this particular field to determine if the customer has given consent to receive marketing emails.

Tax exempt

Data column: tax_exempt

Similar to the "Email marketing consent" checkbox, this field is a single checkbox field with a pre-made field label that says "Exempt from taxes". If your customer checks this box at registration, then they will automatically be marked as "tax exempt" in Shopify.

This is especially useful if you want to ensure that your customer does not get charged for taxes during checkout.

Example of standard fields in Shopify

As we've mentioned, the data from all of these standard fields will show up in the customer's record in Shopify. Check out the screenshot below to see an example of where the standard fields data shows up when looking at a customer's details in the Shopify admin:

Questions, comments, or concerns?

Feel free to reach out to our support team via email or chat and we'll be happy to assist!

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