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Common issues & fixes

Having trouble? Check here for solutions to common problems

Brett Shelley avatar
Written by Brett Shelley
Updated over a week ago

Changes to the navigation settings are not being reflected in the app's menus

Although the app does provide an import tool to import menus that are already set up in Shopify, this does not provide ongoing syncing with Shopify's Navigation settings. Changes that are made to the Navigation settings in Shopify will not be reflected in the app, any changes you want to make to your menus should be made directly in the Meteor app.

When the page loads, the theme's menus show for a moment before changing to the app's menus

Depending on the theme and the customization options being used, this may result in a flickering effect when the menus are loading, which is unattractive and distracting.

Unfortunately due to the way that Shopify loads the app's scripts, which is not until after the theme is loaded, it is not possible to completely prevent this from happening. However, you can certainly take some steps to minimize, or even eliminate, the noticeability of the menu transition. The best way to do so is to match the theme and app menus' styling as closely as possible by adjusting the app's settings, and may also require adding some custom CSS styling. You can check out our guide for CSS customization for some tips: Custom CSS

The styling of a mega menu looks different in the app admin when compared to the storefront

Menu fonts

It's important to note that the app's mega menus are designed to use the font that is being used by the header in the store's theme. For some themes, this means that the font family that is shown in the app when editing mega menus may be different from the font family that is being used by the store's theme. This is somewhat expected, and as long as the mega menus on the storefront are using the correct font there's nothing to worry about.

Menu widths

Since the app is embedded into the Shopify admin there is a limited amount of screen real estate. This means that the overall width of the mega menu shown in the app admin may be different than the actual width of the mega menu on the storefront. This is most common with mega menus that are set to a width of "Full" or "Wide". We suggest using a computer with a large screen resolution or testing customization changes on the storefront if this becomes bothersome.

Theme styling conflicts

There may be cases where a store's theme (or another app that is installed on the store's theme) will overwrite or conflict with the app’s styling for the mega menus. In this case, it may be necessary to add some CSS styling to manually adjust the menus to allow them to work properly on your theme. You can check out our guide for CSS customization for some tips: Custom CSS

Mega menus are too far away or too close to navigation buttons

If you notice that the positioning of your mega menus is not ideal when viewing the mega menus on the storefront, then you may need to adjust the vertical offset of the mega menus using the app's built-in settings. The vertical offset setting can be found inside of the Meteor app embed in your theme customizer.

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