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How to edit customer data in the app
How to edit customer data in the app

How to use Customer Fields to edit and view customer data

Brett Shelley avatar
Written by Brett Shelley
Updated over a week ago

If you're using Customer Fields to collect and store custom data, you will need to use the app admin to view and edit this data for each customer. If you have metafield data pinned in Shopify you can edit it there, but for most cases you will want to use the app admin.

How to access customers in Customer Fields

There are a few ways you can jump to a customer record in the app:

  • From the Shopify admin, use the "View/Edit in Customer Fields button".

  • From a staff email notification from Customer Fields, click "View customer".

  • From Apps in the Shopify admin, open Helium Customer Fields. You can access customers in the app by going to the Customers tab on the left hand side of the app admin, as shown below:

Once on the Customers page in the app, there are a few ways you can view a specific customer record.

Perform a search using the "Search customers" toolbar

If you know a customer's name, email, or phone number, you can perform a search to pull up their record. Clicking on a record will take you straight to the customer record:

Customer QuickView

For a quick overview, click the customer row to open the customer QuickView. This will allow you to skim the customer details such as the first name, last name, email, account status, certain standard Shopify columns, and any favorited data columns:

You can use the arrows at the bottom of the QuickView to tab through customers quickly.

Customer record

To view the entire customer record, you can click the first name (or any other link within the customer row). This will open the individual customer record for you to review. From here, you can edit custom data as well as any standard data such as the customer's name, email, address, tags, etc.

Here is a breakdown of each card available on the customer record in the app:

  • Overview: a general overview of customer data including their name, default email, and default phone number. Any favorited data columns will also be shown and editable here.

  • Default address: the customer's default address will be shown here. This is the same as the default address in Shopify.

  • Form data: this card lists all of your Customer Fields forms, whether the customer has submitted them or not. Applicable customer data will be shown here, and you can edit each form to add or edit data for customers.
    ​Note: forms render in the app the same way that they do on the storefront. This means that any rules and conditions that you've added to the form will also be in effect when editing the customer, including hiding/showing fields, tagging, and more.

  • Tags: this card shows all tags for the customer and allows you to manage the customer's tags, including adding new tags or removing existing ones.

  • Other data: this card shows all data columns that are not attached to a form. If you have archived a form, its data columns will still show here to display any data that the customer might still have for those data columns.

  • Details: this card shows a variety of details from Shopify, including their email marketing consent status, customer notes, number of orders, total amount spent, tax exemption status, Shopify customer ID, currency, last order ID, and last updated at value.

  • Events: this card shows events that have occurred in Customer Fields, i.e. "Form submitted", "Invite sent", etc.

  • Segments: this card shows any customer segments in the app that the customer is currently in.

  • Forms submitted: this card shows which forms the customer submitted.

There are a variety of other important details available on the customer record in the app, such as the following:

  • Account status/state (see our help docs for more details)

  • "View in Shopify Admin": allows you to quickly view the customer in Shopify

  • Send account invite / Resent account invite: allows you to send the customer Shopify's "account invite" email template

  • Dropdown arrow: this may show on smaller screens, and the "view in Shopify" and "send invite" buttons may show here.

  • Export as CSV (may be available within dropdown): this allows you to export just this customer to a CSV file

Learn more about using the app's customer directory here

Customer Fields has a powerful customer directory that can be used to find, edit, and segment customer records. Read on for more details:

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